That was a hard pill to swallow - that “Jews” were near the head of the snake, Satan being the top. It made it harder with the way shills throw around the blanket term, as if all Jews are Satanists.
What helped me digest it is the New Testament: what nation was evil enough that it would crucify its own God? Only one (not “all” Jews but those with power). From there it’s not that big a stretch to believe that the Pharisees and Sadducees continued their secret works of darkness for the next two millennia (or however much time has transpired since then).
Very interesting. Have any sauce?
That was a hard pill to swallow - that “Jews” were near the head of the snake, Satan being the top. It made it harder with the way shills throw around the blanket term, as if all Jews are Satanists.
What helped me digest it is the New Testament: what nation was evil enough that it would crucify its own God? Only one (not “all” Jews but those with power). From there it’s not that big a stretch to believe that the Pharisees and Sadducees continued their secret works of darkness for the next two millennia (or however much time has transpired since then).
I didn't bookmark the /pol/ thread last night. I'll edit this comment if I can find it in the archive.