Back when I was a Buddhist monk in the mid 70s, it would not have occured to me to git a gun... now, I hope I never have to use what I have...Karma is a bitch...
I just mentioned this in another comment, but my old Tibetan Buddhist Lama said exactly that - that of Tibetans had guns, the Chinese wouldn’t have taken over.
Fuck I wish I could find this old pic I had. I used to go to a small Tibetan Buddhism temple. One day the Lama, an old refugee from Tibet, asked me for a ride to the translator’s house. The translator happened to be a gun collector who had a bunch of pieces out on the table for a pending sale. While we were there the Lama was holding one assuming it around at things. I got a pic but it’s kind of lost too time.
He told us one time that if Tibetans (the lay-people) had guns, the Chinese wouldn’t have taken over. Based Buddhist.
The Buddha didn’t say it but I’m reminded of a random quote: It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.
Great quote.
The meek shall inherit the earth.
Peterson's interpretation is "those who have swords and know how to use them, but keep them sheathed, will inherit the Earth".
Rogan even brings up your quote.
There are limits that even the gentlest Saotns allow escape. .
Very close to the Nirvana section... 😁
By the Ammo shelves.
Today featuring plenty of TP, we done run outta ammo.. 😢
“Blue Light Special in the orange robe dept”!!! Once they run off grab what you can in sporting goods 😎
Back when I was a Buddhist monk in the mid 70s, it would not have occured to me to git a gun... now, I hope I never have to use what I have...Karma is a bitch...
I studied Zen and made a sand garden. I got into it in College in 70’s too. I visited a Monastery outside of Bearsvlle NY. Very kind people.
My experience stilled much of the rage in me. As a result, some of the damndest things piss me off... 😉
The power of emptiness comes in various sizes...
I've fn had it with this c19 shit too as well as all the other deviant crap the left supports.
Yes. I’m back to normal cold and flu season.
Ask the Tibetan Buddhists how it all went with the Chinese when they came with their machine guns.
This is exactly me. Armed with a shotgun and two 9 mms and a couple hundred rounds and the absolute knowledge that I am beyond life and death.
I just mentioned this in another comment, but my old Tibetan Buddhist Lama said exactly that - that of Tibetans had guns, the Chinese wouldn’t have taken over.
Fuck I wish I could find this old pic I had. I used to go to a small Tibetan Buddhism temple. One day the Lama, an old refugee from Tibet, asked me for a ride to the translator’s house. The translator happened to be a gun collector who had a bunch of pieces out on the table for a pending sale. While we were there the Lama was holding one assuming it around at things. I got a pic but it’s kind of lost too time.
He told us one time that if Tibetans (the lay-people) had guns, the Chinese wouldn’t have taken over. Based Buddhist.
One of my favorite videos it's amazing what the Shaolin can do. I also love the song.
Based Buddha. Lovin this.
saw one of these guys come into the laundromat yesterday. never saw one
Where is this wonderful convenience store where you can walk up and inspect a firearm without assistance?
I thought that said "Pork Chops" on sign in background lol