I'm in the Northern Sea of Cortez and it's cold here, too. I also am in phoenix (50/50 time spent in both locations), and we are colder than most of the midwest! unbelievable. we had a LOT of chemtrails going on during Christmas week. Even rain on Christmas eve in both locations.
In the width of Iowa, it goes from -13° to 60°!
It's crazy!
Also, what's up with the core of Mexico being so cold? I know dry deserts get cold at night, but what's up? Any Mexico pedes have some explanation?
I'm in the Northern Sea of Cortez and it's cold here, too. I also am in phoenix (50/50 time spent in both locations), and we are colder than most of the midwest! unbelievable. we had a LOT of chemtrails going on during Christmas week. Even rain on Christmas eve in both locations.
Rocky Mountains extend through core of Mexico. I’ve driven through them. Felt like I was in the mountains of Arizona (from northern AZ).