Your loathing of the very People God Himself chose to bring the Savior of Mankind to the world is evident. That is really sad. To love your own opinions so much that you reject God Himself? Is that wise?
What are you going on about? I asked YOU to provide evidence of your claim. Tell us you are a shill without telling us you are a shill. Lol.
But, I will bite anyway. Explain to me why anyone should worship any people (man)? You know that part in the Bible about false idols and everything, right? If a tribe of people rejects the Savior of Mankind, how are they "chosen" if they are rejecting Him as the Messiah?
It would appear you are doing what Jews do best by inverting and then projecting your argument. Jews are the masters of gaslighting, I give them that.
Your loathing of the very People God Himself chose to bring the Savior of Mankind to the world is evident. That is really sad. To love your own opinions so much that you reject God Himself? Is that wise?
What are you going on about? I asked YOU to provide evidence of your claim. Tell us you are a shill without telling us you are a shill. Lol.
But, I will bite anyway. Explain to me why anyone should worship any people (man)? You know that part in the Bible about false idols and everything, right? If a tribe of people rejects the Savior of Mankind, how are they "chosen" if they are rejecting Him as the Messiah?
It would appear you are doing what Jews do best by inverting and then projecting your argument. Jews are the masters of gaslighting, I give them that.