I’ve seen a lot of great theories and reasons why trump has been shilling for the vaccine but in the Candace Owens interview he also makes a point to praise Chinas education system while dissing our own.
Candace: “kids in masks, it looks like china right?” Trump: “Well, chinas education system is a hell of a lot better than ours. you know what? they’re rated number 2 or 3. The US is rated number 44.”
I know that the global ranking reflects this but why would he go out of his way to praise them, this bothered me. If a liberal said this I know we’d be clowning them - did this bother anyone else? any theories here? TY in advance fellow patriots. i know it’s 5D chess here.
edit: as i stated above, i know it’s factually correct in that the global rankings system reflects this. but when asked about kids in masks, why divert to saying a communist country is “a hell of a lot better” than us? just doesn’t sit well with me. You can say our education system needs work without making a comment on how a communist-ran, virus-breeding country is superior to the US.
very true. sad state of affairs here. but we don’t want our education system to be like communist chinas, that isn’t something to aspire to! i feel like out of all the countries ranked above us that’s one that i don’t think anyone would want to say is “a hell of a lot better than ours”. hopefully yeah he just meant ours needs work.
I likewise didn't take his words to mean that we should aspire to be like China. They do, indeed, educate children effectively, however. Chinese children learn well because they are, by and large, respectful of authority, attentive, and participate eagerly. Source: have been a teacher of Chinese children.
In the US, children do not regard educators as authority figures (or even parents, for that matter). Educators for decades have struggled with disrespect, inattentiveness, and a lack of backing by parents who should be championing the educator/student team.
Now complicate all this in the US with the outing of the educational system at large as a cog in the wheel of progressive/communist idealism, throw in some leftist educators, and parents have begun to see the error of their ways in outsourcing that education without oversight.
My question is...will this get us all the way back to recognizing the familial structure as THE most important aspect in the education of children?