Fuel supply chain is a constant need. Fuel becomes defunct after about 3 months. Without constant drilling and refining we w
Ont be able to supply enough. Government needs to put one stop in the fears and petroleum is dead to the citizens. I'd prefer petroleum in a perfect society, but in one where gov can and will clamp down on me, I want one I can fuel myself and preferably cut back on all the useless tech that just tracks you and makes your car hackable.
In the day [18th century for sure], even city dwellers had a cow and a horse in the back of their town lot. [There were common pastures]. We may all need to take up the Amish lifestyle. There aren't enough horses, though . . . unless all preppers get a horse and the demand steps up the supply . . .
Fuel supply chain is a constant need. Fuel becomes defunct after about 3 months. Without constant drilling and refining we w Ont be able to supply enough. Government needs to put one stop in the fears and petroleum is dead to the citizens. I'd prefer petroleum in a perfect society, but in one where gov can and will clamp down on me, I want one I can fuel myself and preferably cut back on all the useless tech that just tracks you and makes your car hackable.
In the day [18th century for sure], even city dwellers had a cow and a horse in the back of their town lot. [There were common pastures]. We may all need to take up the Amish lifestyle. There aren't enough horses, though . . . unless all preppers get a horse and the demand steps up the supply . . .