This is why I thought it was dangerous to apply for a religious exemption from the COVID "vaccines." More mandates will require a continual examination of your religion.
You could state that you are exempt from participating in their worship of pseudoscience.
"To protect" and "others" are murky concepts defined by faith and in your own, which is under no moral or canonical obligation to them and their presumption of authority, those ideas are discussed differently.
The US Constitution is the only 'exemption' you need. Particularly amendment 9 and 14 (section 1). Why not use this as an opportunity to educate your clueless employer on your inalienable rights, which are guaranteed by the constitution. Looking for an exemption gives a certain legitimacy to the demand. I hope you don't cave to that. Good luck.
Sounds like it's time for a new job - glad you're looking. If you fight this and stay, what's next? Public posting of everyone's medical info? Forced organ donation to sick and needy shareholders? I know these examples sounds outrageous, but so did where we are right now 2 years ago. Hoping you find something much much better than what you're doing right now.
Base it on “Your body is a temple”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
If you have to “prove “ it to them, they can deny it, which is the point a lot of folks have made of giving an employer power they do not have.
Write what is in your heart, just documenting your position, your not begging for their approval.
Isn't that normal protocol for Jehovas Witnesses and others? Just write on one line "people of my faith won't do that."
This is why I thought it was dangerous to apply for a religious exemption from the COVID "vaccines." More mandates will require a continual examination of your religion.
You could state that you are exempt from participating in their worship of pseudoscience.
Protecting others? The flu shot has been sold always on protecting the stuckee!
"To protect" and "others" are murky concepts defined by faith and in your own, which is under no moral or canonical obligation to them and their presumption of authority, those ideas are discussed differently.
Can a employer legally require you to get any random medical procedure now? What's next? Pfizer's shot of the month forever and ever and e....
What's your contract say?
I'm going to mandate all my employees submit weekly well-lit nude selfies... for health and safety.
If you have to get the flu shot watch out for the ol’ bait and switch. Novavax was working on a combined Flu and COVID jab. heads-up
GOD did not give them the authority to decide if you are religious enough !
The US Constitution is the only 'exemption' you need. Particularly amendment 9 and 14 (section 1). Why not use this as an opportunity to educate your clueless employer on your inalienable rights, which are guaranteed by the constitution. Looking for an exemption gives a certain legitimacy to the demand. I hope you don't cave to that. Good luck.
Sounds like it's time for a new job - glad you're looking. If you fight this and stay, what's next? Public posting of everyone's medical info? Forced organ donation to sick and needy shareholders? I know these examples sounds outrageous, but so did where we are right now 2 years ago. Hoping you find something much much better than what you're doing right now.