OK! Time for a new site wide rule! From now on, ALL memes sauced from the MSM (CNN, NYT, MSDNC, etc.) must, repeat, MUST now include the Nicholas Cage "YA DON'T SAY?" PNG overlay, as shown in this example. Because, HOLY $#!+SNACKS, we TOLD YOU SO!!! (PNG overlay in top comment). #CNNSUCKS

Umm ... hang on a sec.
Isn't Omicron/Moronic supposed to be the next best Covid, which is supposed to be DIFFERENT from the cold or flu?
These bastards just can't keep their lies straight.
Did you mean Moronicron ?
I thought we were ? I say it and then people repeat it, as if to confirm, maybe checking against their database of approved MSM words. It’s close, almost checks out, But then they never laugh or get repulsed, so I am not sure what it does.
When people get silent about me making fun of the virus, I just assume they are vaxxed.