Doomers Last Week. Maxwell Will Never Be Convicted. This Week Maxwell Convicted. Doomers Well It Was Bullshit Charges. Doomers Going Doom. Stop trying to move the goalposts. LMAO!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Doomers are miserable, shortsighted people who seek validation from others. They want others to be as miserable as them instead of pulling themselves up by their boots.
I myself was a doomfag once. Until I realized there is nothing there. Just emptiness and despair. Dooming is straight up irrational.
Dooming is mostly 100% coordinated. The goal is to NEVER let us feel like we are winning. No matter how good things look or how much a win the Maxwell trial is they cannot allow us to feel like we have momentum in our favor. They are losing and they know it.
It's actually one of the many traps on the road to awakening that they hope to steer people towards.
You find out how dark they and their whole world is, and you keep staring into the darkness, and you keep listening to the darkness as it tells you that it is unstoppable and controls it all, and you fall deeper into despair.
The reality is their control has always been illusory and tenuous, and there is one thing they can't control if you don't let them and that is you.
Once you realize what they believe and what they do you should stop staring at their darkness, and start searching for something more. The antithesis of darkness maybe? 😇
Apparently, that was just a few days ago given recent dooming:
GoingCamaro: I mean if anyone seriously believed this was gonna be the event with Comey's daughter on the defense- er I mean prosecution and the judge that already protected the identities of celebrities implicated, that is their fault for setting their own false expectations. The real surprise would have been if justice was served.
GoingCamaro: If she's given a light sentence (if any at all) then people are allowed to go nuts. There's nothing to pivot too aside from more of the same
In fact if she isn't brought to justice (and at this point she and others likely won't be) then there's no reason to sit around any longer.
You nailed this world class hypocrites ass to the wall. Hopefully he will disappear after Maxwell is suicided in the next few months.. Prepare for prison guards to get some badly needed sleep and high tech cameras to malfunction.
Lol. He nailed his own foot to his mouth. I'm not going anywhere, cupcake.
Keep spinning snowflake. When Maxwell is suicided please join her.
You know what is fun about the word "likely"? Is that it's not an affirmative statement.
You know what's funny about your assumption? You're dead ass wrong.
You know what's funny about having struggled with insecurity? How easily you can spot it.
It is still likely dooming.
It is entertaining watching the hypocrite spin himself into the ground