I have a ivermectin question... Where can I get Ivermectin that won't take a month to be shipped? Thank you any advice would be appreciated. I've been researching past posts but I don't see any that come rather quick. Thanks
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Farm & Home
Go to the covid19criticalcare website. Search on FLCCC. They have a list of doctors who will prescribe Ivermectin. Check out several until you find one that can prescribe to your state AND has appointments available. You can probably have Ivermectin within a week, especially if you have symptoms.
My prescription is only for 3 months, but the doctor did prescribed both Ivermectin and HCQ. $180 for the consult and that was covered by insurance. The RX is not covered. This is in Illinois.
Go to ebay and find someone with some to sell and have it by tomorrow. Paste or pills.
Shoppers Supply or just about any feed store.
Or, start dating women who ride horses.
Horrible advice. Trust me.
Sage advice
Dating...not marrying.
Austin Compound Pharmacy
Tractor Supply, and go pick it up. Or order from valleyvet.com any pure ivdrmectin horse wormer paste. Durvet is just one brand. And at least take zinc 50mg as well. (With food) we took for five days. Twice, 10 days apart. Awesome. We are so healthy! Just keep it simple, fren. No need to acquire in a more complicated or expensive way.
Great response, thanks 👍
If you haven't found any yet, I just got some at Tractor Supply Co in the equine section
Thank you, I got some a couple of days ago!
Look up "compounding pharmacy." I know there's one in Castle Rock CO and I know they ship. You just need a physician that will prescribe it. A functional medicine doc would be likely to help you after a phone consultation. Or search on aflds.org to get a consult.
For about the same amount that a pharmacy will cost you, you can go down to most any farm supply store and get a 500ml bottle of imovectin cattle / swine injectible that will last you for years. The dose is 1cc to every 110 pounds of body weight.
I have taken both the horse paste and the injectible without a single problem. The injectible is easy to mix with some juice and gulp it down. I took the paste by just pushing a dose out on my finger and swallowing it. It wasn't bad either, but I prefer the injectible.