If it is the eighth day the viral part of infection has probably run its course and now you are more than likely dealing with the secondary thrust - the body's hypersensitivity response to the infection. This is what causes the problems. Some of the stuff on the attached PDF list you can get OTC. Use Zelinko protocol as well: quercetin, vitamin D, C, and zinc. Ivermectin and HCQ will still be helpful.
Yours is the perfect example of why people need to have supplies on hand BEFORE someone gets sick. FLCCC may also still be able to help. Get what you can over the counter ASAP till you get some help. This is the critical stage. Get a medical power of attorney before anyone ends up in the hospital - Dr Ardis has information on his site as to how to do this. It will be too late if you wife is hospitalized to get something like this notarized.
Get information of monoclonal antibody therapy in your area now! Get her to an infusion center. Doctor's there may be able to help with scripts for the rest of the drugs you need. If she has to go to the ER, demand mAb therapy in the ER. Do not let them admit. As soon as someone is admitted with Covid, the protocols take over.
If it is the eighth day the viral part of infection has probably run its course and now you are more than likely dealing with the secondary thrust - the body's hypersensitivity response to the infection. This is what causes the problems. Some of the stuff on the attached PDF list you can get OTC. Use Zelinko protocol as well: quercetin, vitamin D, C, and zinc. Ivermectin and HCQ will still be helpful.
Yours is the perfect example of why people need to have supplies on hand BEFORE someone gets sick. FLCCC may also still be able to help. Get what you can over the counter ASAP till you get some help. This is the critical stage. Get a medical power of attorney before anyone ends up in the hospital - Dr Ardis has information on his site as to how to do this. It will be too late if you wife is hospitalized to get something like this notarized.
Get information of monoclonal antibody therapy in your area now! Get her to an infusion center. Doctor's there may be able to help with scripts for the rest of the drugs you need. If she has to go to the ER, demand mAb therapy in the ER. Do not let them admit. As soon as someone is admitted with Covid, the protocols take over.
DR CHETTY’S 8TH DAY THERAPY FOR COVID-19 https://emlct.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/COVID-Rx-4-DR-CHETTY-8th_day_therapy_may_12_2021.pdf
the following videos will explain - please watch - Dr Chetty https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bal7DctFjXVB/?list=watch-later&randomize=false https://www.bitchute.com/video/SJVYivBs7ItM/?list=watch-later&randomize=false
Dr Ardis on medical power of attorney https://www.bitchute.com/video/uAIgHBke8pPu/?list=watch-later&randomize=false