Jizzlane Maxwell - whether you like Jordan or not, his words make sense.
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The records that were sealed by the prosecution, James Comeys daughter, that’s where your placing faith that more is coming?
Oh cool a couple CEO’s got fucked, wow that makes me feel better that no one in that black book had to testify under oath or that Maxwell wasn’t ousted as a mossad agent, definitely feel better thank you
20% public
my mistake, but yea same point, Q made it clear we don’t get everything, we have to read in between the lines
‘Bush sr’
A better argument as to why I’m wrong
Or I guess let’s just shun those who don’t echo the circle jerk, because debating a differing opinion is to hard? What exactly did I post that hurt you anon?
I’m not against Q, I just think the whole ‘goal post’ goes both ways, and the Maxine shit ain’t going good, it looks more like a coverup than a trial, and because I say that I’m a doomer moving goal post who needs to be