In case you missed it - the Ivermectin / Cancer studies are already coming out. It works!
Sauce for my frens: "Ivermectin suppresses tumour growth and metastasis through degradation of PAK1 in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma"
It's great, but it's not a "cure". I have friends in my cancer groups who used it in their protocols and still died.
I also see lots of posts by people who show their clear scans after taking metabolic protocols. Many have gone from being riddled with tumors to none at all. There is no one-size-fits all available; although I suspect that Royal Rife may have been on the right track.
This paper is also about a very specific kind of carcinoma. There's tons of different types and kinds of cancer that can affect the body, and just because something improves the outcome for one single specific type of cancer doesn't even mean it could work for other similar ones, let alone something different like lung or pancreatic cancer or whatever. So there must likely wouldn't be some single cure all, as you mentioned.'s about the healing frequencies!