That wasn't sarcasm honey. I truly. TRULY. am sorry you were put in that position. You and many others. Here is some info for you to help your health if you had to take the shot and need to detox. There is hope!
Also, check out this website and sign up for the newsletter. There is a community fighting this and you need to join up so you don't feel so alone and somehow we will win.
You need to watch the video interview with Angel Cafe owner Cathy, honey. She has a warm heart and Spirit and has gone through so many ups and downs, it will give you hope. Bless you and your family. God knows what you are going through and that you put your family first. He understands and will send you hope and help, just keep praying from your heart. Amen.
Oh there is so many people that are all "you cuck you should have refused and stood your ground" Thats all fine and well until you live in the shithole called canada and two levels of government are passing laws that will not only ruin your life but your families if you do not comply. And its even worse when almost everyone else ran out and got the shot when ordered and you are standing refusing alone. Hell I accept whatever happens, its out of my hands. I am glad I didnt get the bells palsy from the second shot at least.
I understand. It is like playing dodgeball with the trolls.
I have faith that God and Jesus will not abandon their people, while the government plays at democide. Please keep praying and ask for God's mercy. Above all be gentle and kind with yourself, and your loved ones.
As you soften your heart and fill it with love (by thinking about how much you care for your special loved ones), know that there are many good people in the world, including here in Canada. If you can radiate that love and kindness out, you will be surprised at what you attract - goodness, loving, kindness.
Have you looked at that detox info on the website? That is an important part of strengthening your health after the shot.
As time goes on and The Powers That Be keep demanding more boosters, more and more people will resist, I believe.
So hang in there. Don't despair. But look into the detox info and make your health a number one priority.
God bless you and your family. Tell them how much you love them.
That wasn't sarcasm honey. I truly. TRULY. am sorry you were put in that position. You and many others. Here is some info for you to help your health if you had to take the shot and need to detox. There is hope!
Also, check out this website and sign up for the newsletter. There is a community fighting this and you need to join up so you don't feel so alone and somehow we will win.
You need to watch the video interview with Angel Cafe owner Cathy, honey. She has a warm heart and Spirit and has gone through so many ups and downs, it will give you hope. Bless you and your family. God knows what you are going through and that you put your family first. He understands and will send you hope and help, just keep praying from your heart. Amen.
Oh there is so many people that are all "you cuck you should have refused and stood your ground" Thats all fine and well until you live in the shithole called canada and two levels of government are passing laws that will not only ruin your life but your families if you do not comply. And its even worse when almost everyone else ran out and got the shot when ordered and you are standing refusing alone. Hell I accept whatever happens, its out of my hands. I am glad I didnt get the bells palsy from the second shot at least.
I understand. It is like playing dodgeball with the trolls.
I have faith that God and Jesus will not abandon their people, while the government plays at democide. Please keep praying and ask for God's mercy. Above all be gentle and kind with yourself, and your loved ones.
As you soften your heart and fill it with love (by thinking about how much you care for your special loved ones), know that there are many good people in the world, including here in Canada. If you can radiate that love and kindness out, you will be surprised at what you attract - goodness, loving, kindness.
Have you looked at that detox info on the website? That is an important part of strengthening your health after the shot.
As time goes on and The Powers That Be keep demanding more boosters, more and more people will resist, I believe.
So hang in there. Don't despair. But look into the detox info and make your health a number one priority.
God bless you and your family. Tell them how much you love them.