why not go see a doctor, and find out what it is instead?
even ppl i know who are vax free are thinking about getting tested.
it is cold and flu season. if you have symptoms, go see a decent doc and get the therapeutics...
even ppl that seem to be immune to the propafaggottry are going to test stations.
Sorry to hear that. Hope you make a full recovery soon.
I see it as a blessing. I never would have had time to dig in nearly as much as I have & my wife & I may have gotten a round or two of this poison had I not been able to dig in with this community to learn the truth.
So many floating puzzle pieces have been put in place in my mind (decades worth) with this community.
Also I have found so many ways to heal from acute illness that would put me down for a week at a time since I have had time to study.
If we keep our perspective in the right frame we will make it through any trial. That said I too look forward to a full recovery :D