Brother, what is "love"? I have heard that before. Don't be fooled. Yes, the suspicion of organized religion is a real phenomenon and understandable. However, God is real, and is revealed to us in the Bible. You cannot simply rely upon the notion that "God is love" and everything else is Satan because our own senses are not a reliable source of determining truth from falsehood. The Masons likely believe very much the same as you. Ultimately, this breaks down to : do whatever YOU want since your mind assumes that your own bodily desires are "good". Many people do great evil while thinking they are acting in the name of good. As God is real, we need to reach out to Him for guidance in prayer and the Bible.
Yep, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Obama....they all as you said "trusted themselves" over God. And look at the horrendous mess they made. The idea that the unaided human intellect can decipher the difference between good and evil is something tha that individuals who are slaves to evil comfort themselves with at night. The most obvious example being abortion. It is the SINGLE MOST evil practice in the history of the world, yet most of our population--or a significant proportion--fails to recognize it for what it is. No, the devil is far more intelligent than we are, and without God's help we are lost. That is the story of the human race beginning with the Garden. "Trust thyself" is one of the first principles of Satanism, as well as of the Masons for the very reasons I state. The greatest evils done in the history of the world have followed. Thus, the human experience rejects that which you refer to as Wisdom. Read St. Paul for a good explanation why.
Brother, what is "love"? I have heard that before. Don't be fooled. Yes, the suspicion of organized religion is a real phenomenon and understandable. However, God is real, and is revealed to us in the Bible. You cannot simply rely upon the notion that "God is love" and everything else is Satan because our own senses are not a reliable source of determining truth from falsehood. The Masons likely believe very much the same as you. Ultimately, this breaks down to : do whatever YOU want since your mind assumes that your own bodily desires are "good". Many people do great evil while thinking they are acting in the name of good. As God is real, we need to reach out to Him for guidance in prayer and the Bible.
Yep, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Obama....they all as you said "trusted themselves" over God. And look at the horrendous mess they made. The idea that the unaided human intellect can decipher the difference between good and evil is something tha that individuals who are slaves to evil comfort themselves with at night. The most obvious example being abortion. It is the SINGLE MOST evil practice in the history of the world, yet most of our population--or a significant proportion--fails to recognize it for what it is. No, the devil is far more intelligent than we are, and without God's help we are lost. That is the story of the human race beginning with the Garden. "Trust thyself" is one of the first principles of Satanism, as well as of the Masons for the very reasons I state. The greatest evils done in the history of the world have followed. Thus, the human experience rejects that which you refer to as Wisdom. Read St. Paul for a good explanation why.
Awesome, thanks brother for your clarifications. Happy New Year!