I wonder what other giant Hollywood names are gonna go soon. They wanna make everyone sad.
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I’ve been trying hard to control the emotions, but i almost feel like im turning cold.
I dont really mind that i am becoming more selfish, though....
not selfish, self preservation.
For real. When all this started to go down last year, I decided to finally get my shit together. Lost 100 pounds...also lost friends, but the new ones are keepers.
I do pretty well with controlling mine but I'm not cold.
The trick is to let it flow through you, like a wind, without hitting anything.
Another thing -- pretend you're watching emotional stuff through a textured glass window...like a shower stall.
You just watch and observe. You see everyone running around frantically but it does not touch you.
Like a movie.
On the other hand, it can seem like being cold and selfish -- from the perspective of people who live in their emotions, I guess.
Thank you for that🙏🏻