The Fed preparing to CRASH global financial systems to implement the “Great Reset”
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"Crash" is used in multiple ways that can be misleading. Economy can be considered "crashing" based on its fundamentals - Debt to GDP ratio, real rate of employment, productivity etc. Using any of these criteria, the economy is indeed crashing - worse than any other time in the history.
On the other hand, if you use the performance of the Stock Market as the criteria, you would conclude that the economy is thriving. We all know that Stock Market is a derivative of the debt market, and debt market is completely controlled by the amount of money printed by the fed (as the national debt).
So by pumping money by the Fed, you can hide the truth that the economy is in shambles. So the question boils down to - how much longer can Fed keep up this charade of printing money and manipulating other variables to hide the fact that the real economy is in shambles?