Let's celebrate 2021! What was your most defiant moment of the year? When did you stand up to tyranny? (reply in the comments)
Emailing the school board and the doctor advising them who I know personally, demanding evidence of the efficacy of masks in stopping a virus.
Unfortunately, nothing has come of my email(s), but I put muself out there as a small business leader of my city and attempted to stand up for the children.
I spent an hour on the phone with an attorney attempting to sue the school system over this. The attorney truly sympathized but did not see a path to victory.
I am thinking I need to pursue this further in 2022!
This isn't so big, but I drive around and have done for more than a year with "DON'T TRUST THE VAC" in large letters on the back of my car. There's also a picture of a sheep with a large syringe aimed at it's butt which is full of blue poison.
I believe that people often believe the propaganda because they believe everyone else believes it so it's important to show people that there are dissenting voices. I get a lot of photos taken of the the back of my car. It's probably all over social media will all sorts of comments, but there's no such thing as bad publicity for this message.
That's fucking awesome. Love it!