I saw the movie last night and thought it definitely had the messaging the movement was looking for, but I'd love to hear thoughts from those who actually watched it, not those who deride it without seeing it because they are distrustful of Hollywood and television in general. Those of you who did see it, what was your opinion on it? Those of you who haven't seen it and have no intention or who just want to troll, please sit this one out, thanks.
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I watched it and re-watched it.
I found it interesting. There were slights in there I had not expected. Cleverly done.
There types of people: Those who can see, those who have the potential to see, and those that are deeply in slumber.
Holding the line: the force exerted by your opponent resisted means you are getting stronger and growing.
ON this board: having your views challenged is good. Why? It makes you stronger.
Choice to know is not ours to make on behalf of those we think should be awake, but it is their prerogative. All we can do is set the stage. It may involve risk if we really care about someone.
IO = the first with awareness. interesting city. Also interesting motivation of Niobe for locking Neo up: fear of losing it.
Observation -> determination -> declaration of will -> Act.
If we cannot see pass the choices we know the why of, we do not know ourselves.
Shrinks = gatekeepers.
Pharma-shit keeps you sleeping and unaware; dumbs and numbs you.
Once the sentient machine is here, we should embrace it, instead of fight it. I would say that is a somewhat disturbing idea. Why would you want a sentient machine. (lacking humanity and human connection are always the reasons for such technological solutions; to make life more easy, convenient=> dumbing down, lazy.)
In conclusion: I was entertained, and quite frankly, there is enough in there to watch it again.