Began feeling bad a few days before Xmas. Body aches, chills, migraine, congestion, swollen glands, which all now have cleared up since last Monday. Now I have been dealing with the congestion and it's slows my breathing. It feels better when I can get the phlegm out.
Meds taken: First five days ivermectin, followed up with another dose on day 7. Zinc, vitamin c, d, quercetin, NAC, thermaflu.
Did a teledoc session last night and was prescribed an antibiotic for bacteria sinus infection.
Appetit is non-existent, with consuming a piece of fruit or two a day.
My wife had similar symptoms which started a couple of days after mine. She is now almost 100%.
If antibiotic is prescribed that means you would have gotten better on ur own anyway all it does it kill 1% of ur total cells it’s poison n. The reason why medical cabal can get away wuth that is when ur poisoned it stops ur flu which ur body started on its own for cleanse in its tracks and people have been taught that poisoning urself to stop symptoms of a healthy detox ia healthy because the symptoms go away pretty much instantly and u get better not because ur detox has taken its course naturally and healthfully but because u stopped the healthy process. If people would not be lied to blatantly about their bodies they wouldnt fall for attacking their bodies irrationally with poison cuz they would understand there was nothing to fear in the first place. Doctors are germ theor of disease terrorists the whole idea of sterilizing things is ridiculous and a hoax you can cure cancer by eating bovine feces it melts tumors everything they say is a lie freemasons love to bqck hospitals cuz they are satanic death wards.
Cure cancer by eating bull shit? I suppose bull shit is appropriate for such a claim haha. Do you wash your hands after your go to the bathroom? If you don't believe in germs do you not wash your hands before you prepare food, or after you handle raw chicken? I sure wouldn't want to eat any food you prepare. Maybe you had just eaten bull shit and never washed your hands.