Really jolted awake in 2015 when I found out Obama did an EO to jam subsidized government housing multi tenant monstrosities into neughborhoods after saying they did a study on all the US zip codes and found many a bit to wealthy and lacking in color diversity.
Basically Obama threatened to withhold federal funding to any city which would try to fight the fed for putting in these multi tenant buildings primarily in single family Home neighborhoods. The fed funding is about 28% or so and all mayor's folded except for 1 ir 2. Thank God Trump and Carson reversed it!
I think it's hideous that some federal bureaucrat entity would assign zip codes with any attributes let alone an outsider forcing buildings into residential zoned areas.
Really jolted awake in 2015 when I found out Obama did an EO to jam subsidized government housing multi tenant monstrosities into neughborhoods after saying they did a study on all the US zip codes and found many a bit to wealthy and lacking in color diversity.
Basically Obama threatened to withhold federal funding to any city which would try to fight the fed for putting in these multi tenant buildings primarily in single family Home neighborhoods. The fed funding is about 28% or so and all mayor's folded except for 1 ir 2. Thank God Trump and Carson reversed it!
isn't it kinda racist to assume that black people actually WANT to flee from black neighborhoods?
i mean, i live in a poor neighborhood, and have no desire to live in a better neighborhood.
I think it's hideous that some federal bureaucrat entity would assign zip codes with any attributes let alone an outsider forcing buildings into residential zoned areas.