Happy new year, frens. Here’s hoping my psychic got it wrong.
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Is your physic a magic 8 ball?
Actually, no. We’ve been friends for years. She has a gift. She’s been reading for me since my grandmother passed. Said she has picked up on her energy and has therefore tapped into what “most surrounds me”. It’s ok. I’m used to the shit people give me but damn it if she hasn’t been 💯 every time.
Stop endorsing witchcraft, it's the work of satan.
Says he who doesn’t understand that which can’t be seen.
actually, people are psychic and witchcraft has nothing to do with it.
This Juicy box is faking it obviously as is their source.
Yet God provided Moses with vast supernatural powers.
"By Him ALL THINGS consist."
That includes evil and witchcraft.
You assume to worship a God that you don't even know. At best, a facsimile of the genuine article. Future proves past for more than just politics and pedos.
God provided Moses with the Holy Spirit. He could do nothing on his own and was mearly the person God chose to work through. This does not include evil and witchcraft. Witchcraft is expressly forbidden in the Bible. You claim to hate the pedo elite, yet in a combination of your arrogance and your ignorance you worship the same evil they do.