For all of 2021, kept telling my spouse, "We're not gonna get the vax, OK?" Then he hit a mandate that forced him to make a hard choice, and he chose the vax. After getting vaxxed, he starts telling me I should get jabbed, too, because I am supposedly "weak" against the "virus." Some people regret getting jabbed, but most seem to be like the meme above. The jab seems to do some weird mind control thing on a lotta people. I don't think they have yet perfected the technique/technology, but you know how the WEF ads say "you will own nothing and you will be happy"? We are also told that in the future we will love our slavery. Doesn't it look like between the constant propaganda and the massive jab program that they are actually working out those stated goals at the present time? They are planning to be constantly upgrading the outer and internal programming such that the slaves will become grateful concerning every miserable aspect of their existence. They won't be humans. Just humanoids. Well, I don't think this experiment is going to succeed. Partially at most. Then it will be destroyed. My double jabbed MIL says to me on the phone, "You're wearing masks, right?" Me: "No, no, no, no, no mask." She rushes off the phone, acting freaked out of her mind. That's what many are now--freaked out of their minds.
For all of 2021, kept telling my spouse, "We're not gonna get the vax, OK?" Then he hit a mandate that forced him to make a hard choice, and he chose the vax. After getting vaxxed, he starts telling me I should get jabbed, too, because I am supposedly "weak" against the "virus." Some people regret getting jabbed, but most seem to be like the meme above. The jab seems to do some weird mind control thing on a lotta people. I don't think they have yet perfected the technique/technology, but you know how the WEF ads say "you will own nothing and you will be happy"? We are also told that in the future we will love our slavery. Doesn't it look like between the constant propaganda and the massive jab program that they are actually working out those stated goals at the present time? They are planning to be constantly upgrading the outer and internal programming such that the slaves will become grateful concerning every miserable aspect of their existence. They won't be humans. Just humanoids. Well, I don't think this experiment is going to succeed. Partially at most. Then it will be destroyed. My double jabbed MIL says to me on the phone, "You're wearing masks, right?" Me: "No, no, no, no, no mask." She rushes off the phone, acting freaked out of her mind. That's what many are now--freaked out of their minds.