252 Be careful who you follow! This Phil Godlewski asshat on Telegram forwarded a NESARA/GESARA post claiming that ATMs are dispensing new "Rainbow Currency" notes featuring the colorful dollar bills is from a 2018 "money, reimagined" article. SO MANY GRIFTERS! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +252 / -0 69 comments download share 69 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
What’s crazy is that this guy has been posting this shit on Q boards for years. Since the 8ch days at least.
Who has the time to keep such a stupid grift going so long? Where is the profit?
In his Philazon products and Silver sites grifting away
I’ve been following him since Brad Barton linked his video on mike lindells symposium