Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!

I haven't read up on it much but someone here said that most of the adverse events reported come from a very small percentage of the vaccine lots, something like 5%. If you think about it that method would be in keeping with the mentality or methodology of gangsters, which is what these people are. You don't get the clot shot the first time around you feel like you are winning and you keep playing. The population control, if that's what they are doing, would be effective over time as there are more and more boosters being administered. The chaser is probably some long term infertility built into most of the shots that have cumulative effect.
What you are trying to say is the very bad adverse events (incl. many deaths) came from 1 in 200 Lot Numbers (or 0.5%). There was a video where a man conducted that analysis.
Yes, what you say is true. Only certain lots, less that 5%, are the deadly clot shots. We have been able to speculate, because we can only go by our own statistical data and analysis, that there were at least 5 different formulas in the initial rollout. That is not to say that they will be the same continuing forward. This is still an experiment and under an EUA they can, and do, change the formulations not only in dosage but also in ingredients such as adjuvants. This is all in conjunction with what also appears to be placebo controls only known to the manufactures. The scenario looks just as you stated. The majority of people will not be affected thereby continuing to reinforce the narrative and people continue to play. However, they may not be able to escape the later consequences that will in no doubt be blamed on other conditions rather than the inoculations that underlie those conditions and were the trigger.
In addition, there also seems to be certain peaks of adverse reactions in time depending on the manufacture. It appears that they coordinated their introduction of particularly dangerous deadly batches with each other. There does not appear to be crossover so as to confuse their own internal data - data that they sure as hell are not going to share with us. Someone had done an excellent breakdown analysis just based on the existing data bases and it clearly shows the spikes of adverse events based on time and manufacturer. It is quite chilling.
The bottom line is that those that have been unfortunate enough to buy into the lie are not going to be out of the woods for over a decade. The health effects fallout is what is going to affect the majority. This is a bioweapon on both ends - the pathogen released and then the subsequent inoculation - both containing the same active poison.
I think dr Martin touches on the lots and the percentage of harmful batches compared to majority in this episode. https://rumble.com/vrhuks-patented-genocide-dr.-martin-exposes-fauci-as-mercenary-of-death.html