Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!

Hey fren, sounds like you made an adult decision based on the information available to you - which you probably realize by know was heavily skewed. Many of us on this board cannot fault you for living your own life. That is was freedom is all about. I do not necessarily have to agree with you, but I sure as hell are going to defend your right to have an opinion different from mine. Thanks for poking your head up and daring to get hit by the few inflexible.
By the way, do you and your misses a favor and get a D-dimer test just to make sure you have not got a clotting issue lurking. Peace