Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!

I actually went into practice because of my own struggles, all caused from either vaxxines or procedures. So, I have been astutely aware of the many cracks in the facade of what is more akin to disease management than real health care. I have always tried to steer my patients to more natural alternatives - but it was always a tightrope in these days of corporate medicine. Anything not promoting the established narrative of big pharma is met with opposition. Most of my colleagues bailed with the ACA or shortly afterwards and with them went their private practices. That has taken away a great deal of autonomy that practitioners once enjoyed. I really hope and pray that this is the beginning of trying to get back to a place where we can actually help our patients rather than harm them. God bless.