Guys...Can we check what we post? Unvaxxed ppl, in Italy, can still go buy food in shops...
"Le attività essenziali
Per chi non è vaccinato resta invariata la possibilità di fare la spesa. Ci si potrà recare nei supermercati o nei negozi di vicinato senza dover esibire la certificazione verde. Restano ovviamente accessibili a tutti le prestazioni mediche e l'assistenza sanitaria, indipendentemente dall'aver fatto o no il vaccino."
("The essential activities
For those who are not vaccinated, the possibility of shopping remains unchanged. You can go to supermarkets or neighborhood shops without having to show the green certification. Obviously, medical services and assistants remain accessible to all.")
From "il giorno" and Italian's newspaper.
"Il governo continua quindi per il momento sulla linea già tracciata dai provvedimenti precedenti. Si continuano a salvare dalle restrizioni sul green pass i servizi essenziali e della categoria fanno parte i supermercati, i negozi e pure gli uffici pubblici."
("The government therefore continues for the moment on the line already traced by the previous measures. The essential services continue to be saved from the restrictions on the green pass and the category includes supermarkets, shops and even public offices.")
From "" another italian site about news.
99% chance that in the video posted, ppl were w8 to get food at a cheaper price or free if the food was near the expiring date or the market was closing for the holidays. I'd like to see the original site where the video was posted, by an italian, I mean. In no part of the video was said that the ppl there were unvaxxed.
You don't really think its something that simple, do you? You dont really believe tptb are going to kill their supporters and leave only their resistance, do you? Does that really sound right to you? Nothing seems odd about them doing that? No, it's going to be something like Marek's for the vax free. The vax isn't suppose to work. That's how you get....
This is what Gates and his polio vaccine have been up to. It "eradicated" "wild" polio, and created a more virulent strain. This is called a "rogue vaccin-derived virus".
I want heads on spikes! This is DISGUSTING!
Guys...Can we check what we post? Unvaxxed ppl, in Italy, can still go buy food in shops...
"Le attività essenziali
Per chi non è vaccinato resta invariata la possibilità di fare la spesa. Ci si potrà recare nei supermercati o nei negozi di vicinato senza dover esibire la certificazione verde. Restano ovviamente accessibili a tutti le prestazioni mediche e l'assistenza sanitaria, indipendentemente dall'aver fatto o no il vaccino." ("The essential activities
For those who are not vaccinated, the possibility of shopping remains unchanged. You can go to supermarkets or neighborhood shops without having to show the green certification. Obviously, medical services and assistants remain accessible to all.")
From "il giorno" and Italian's newspaper.
"Il governo continua quindi per il momento sulla linea già tracciata dai provvedimenti precedenti. Si continuano a salvare dalle restrizioni sul green pass i servizi essenziali e della categoria fanno parte i supermercati, i negozi e pure gli uffici pubblici." ("The government therefore continues for the moment on the line already traced by the previous measures. The essential services continue to be saved from the restrictions on the green pass and the category includes supermarkets, shops and even public offices.")
From "" another italian site about news.
99% chance that in the video posted, ppl were w8 to get food at a cheaper price or free if the food was near the expiring date or the market was closing for the holidays. I'd like to see the original site where the video was posted, by an italian, I mean. In no part of the video was said that the ppl there were unvaxxed.
sorry..will remove
Hey shill, nice to see you here.
They don't just need food, they need guns.
That's the point when throats need to be slit.
This is a charity drive. Nothing about this is unvaxxed vs vaxxed.
Silver lining is the unvaxxed will soon be in control of the city as the vaxxed all drop dead in the next year. Then we’ll see who’s laughing!!
You don't really think its something that simple, do you? You dont really believe tptb are going to kill their supporters and leave only their resistance, do you? Does that really sound right to you? Nothing seems odd about them doing that? No, it's going to be something like Marek's for the vax free. The vax isn't suppose to work. That's how you get....
This is what Gates and his polio vaccine have been up to. It "eradicated" "wild" polio, and created a more virulent strain. This is called a "rogue vaccin-derived virus".
Yeah, Marek’s is looking more and more like the real endgame.
Disgusting. All these government assholes will have to justify these actions to God one day.
Why is this stickied if it isn't true? See the post below.
Green Pass