posted ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot +18 / -1

Robin Bullock recently issued a dire prophetic warning, saying God showed him the cabal will take further steps if lies about virus variants don’t convince people to take the jab. He said they would release something worse that will kill people more quickly, so that fear will drive the reluctant to take the vaccines willingly.

I believe this man does hear from God, and that he was being notified about a high-probability event, but I do not believe it is set in stone that any of this even has to occur. It is inevitable that they will try, but it is not inevitable that they will succeed or even be able to get their desperate plan off the ground. Mr. Bullock was being shown what those evil people would do in response to a failure not so we could prepare to survive it, but so that we can do something to stop it.

Prophets tend to think everything they hear or see is inevitable, but that is not always the case, especially when the things you are seeing or hearing are the enemy’s plans. What Mr. Bullock was exposing was not some inescapable plan God hatched for a punishing catastrophic event. It is obvious from his words that he was being shown what the enemy will try to do to bring more death and destruction if their current strategy fails.

So, what can we do about it? We can pray like a warrior prays, never turning back with the full expectation of seeing the outcome we desire. Satan doesn’t have a right to rule this earth. Demons have no power to do anything themselves. In order to release evil they must use people who agree or cooperate with them because humans are the rightful heirs of this world. It’s a legal thing, and that really is set in stone. We have the right as the rightful authority on this planet to invite God’s intervention and even stand in the authority of Christ to disallow evil.

But God will not force us. We must choose to get involved on the side of good. To do that we cannot be cooperating with evil or agreeing with it, and we must be aware of the times. This is not the tribulation, nor is it leading up to it. Satan is trying to jump the timeline, thinking in his psychotic mind that he can beat God to the finish line and cast Him off the earth so he can claim it for his own. It’s not going to happen, just like all the other times he tried it, but in the meantime he can cause a lot of trouble through his minions if we think it’s just inevitable and do nothing to stop him.

God is bringing what has been devouring this planet to an end. He is ushering in a time of unprecedented light and prosperity, and we have the privilege of cooperating with Him if we choose to do so. It’s going to happen, but we are the ones who will determine how rough the transition will be. There really is a war going on over our heads in the dimensions of the spiritual realm. It’s all about real estate, and there is a lot we can do spiritually to help the cause of good.

Don’t let the enemy have anything he wants. Do something. Take the ground from under his feet and hold it.