Related to Project Blue Beam? Top pic can be found on Q Post 295. Are we still thinking Ayys will be next as far as some Global Panic Trigger?
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The Book of Mormon was found to have been copied in large part from a popular history book from Joseph Smith's time, "The Late War Between The United States and Great Britain." It was popular because it used 1600s English and phrasing similar to the Bible to tell the history. Plagiarism software flagged all the copying Smith did. There were no gold plates or magic spectacles for him to wear.
Here's info from one source:
Smith also copied multiple chapters of the Bible verbatim.
I read the CIA drugged Smith and looking at Hubbard Scientology and Jack parsons Crowley etc and a great many other cults I see the deep state and tavistock all over them. Same with aliens mediums etc how much is tavistock? More than we realise. They were behind vitamin d being removed from foods and drink and the Rockefeller rise to power.. I hope everyone at tavistock gets to answer for what they have done..the trauma and psychological torture and transgender stuff can be laid at their feet too
Vitamin D is actually added to milk and bread, mostly for black people. Of course, most store-bought bread is bad for your health. Look up "wheat belly."
It was removed. Did t know it was back..not high a mounts I bet! . You need to be taking at least 1500 in the winter unless you live in sunny climes and expose your body to sun.
Most milk contains added Vitamin D, and has since the 1930s. It used to be on the front labels of most brands, but now is just in the ingredients list on a lot of them. "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows manufacturers to add up to 84 IU per 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of vitamin D3 to cow’s milk..." The daily recommended amount is 800 units a day. More won't hurt.