Remember getting banned from social media for 'conspiracy theories'? THIS steaming gem from this functional retard on Reddit's default subs takes the cake. Ready? IT'S GOOD MTG WAS BANNED BECAUSE SHE QUOTED THE BAD VAX VAERS DATA WHICH IS BEING FAKED BY MAGA TYPES. Holy $#!+! What?? #FuckReddit

It's not gonna be explicit. It's gonna be highschool teens claiming they are 18+
Whether you search for it or not, the problem is it exists on that site and if you frequent it, you're part of the problem regardless.
It's like donating to the Clinton foundation or the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. On the surface at face value, it's appears to be for good intentions. Once you're and Anon and you know what's up, it doesn't matter what it appears like on the outside.
That's how Reddit is. Their homepage and subs that are on it seem okay, but there are so many dark and dirty subs that you shouldn't associate yourself with such demonic smut.
Just cause you don't search for it doesn't mean it exist and that should be enough knowledge to turn you way from that site.