posted ago by SoMuchWinning45 ago by SoMuchWinning45 +17 / -0

So in November 2019 I got food poisoning from bad/badly cooked chicken. I went to urgent care about 5 days later because my arm/left side of my neck felt strange. They did a few EKGs and they came back weird, so they decided to call a STEMI code (basically prepare for cardiac trouble). I was transferred to the hospital for the cath lab, where I was diagnosed with myopericarditis, which we're becoming all too familiar with - inflammation of the lining and heart muscle. I forgot what meds I took, but they weren't for all that long, and a heart sonogram later I was cured of it.

I very quickly looked at some info regarding myocarditis on the Mayo Clinic site, and it basically said heart inflammation ranges from not bad, as in medication for a few months and you're good, to needing a fucking transplant if it's bad enough.

It's becoming apparent that people with vaccine-induced heart inflammation are kinda fucked. What about people such as myself, who have had what was for all intents and purposes mild heart inflammation that was easily and relatively quickly fixed with medication? Do you guys think I have only a few years to live? Or should I have a "normal" lifespan, made shorter by poor diet and stress?