I know our laws here are a little more lax on this issue and I more or less agree with that since it's better to talk someone out of their stupidity than to shun them from society altogether.
If you are of the mindset of someone who thinks the white "race" is superior and want to isolate with others of the same mindset, that is your business, but you are no friend of mine and certainly no asset to the Great Awakening as GAW us about unity and there is nothing unifying about "racism". Same goes with any ethnic superiority complex. No human sub culture is better than the other unless that culture believes in some sort of superiority in which case they are less. All human life is valuable and all humans are welcome here.
Now I am more lax when it comes to things like "racist" humor. In fact, I encourage it because if we can laugh at ourselves we will come together quicker. I personally am not butthurt over cracker jokes as long as they're good natured and meant for nothing more than ball busting.
Beyond that, "racist" behavior is unacceptable. Pre judging someone and basing your interactions with people off of stereotypes is very low IQ and very intellectually stunting. Whether you agree with him or not, MLK was correct: judge by the content of their character. I do want to be clear that discussing stereotypes and expressing concerns absolutely should continue. It's no secret that certain ethnic minorities in the US commit a lot of the crimes. However this is due to Demonrat policies. They are still victims of the system. BLM wasn't entirely wrong, there has been a coordinated effort to corral black Americans into major cities and then cut them off economically. While I don't condone criminal behavior, I'm having a harder time blaming them specifically. We need to turn our attention to the real problem causers, the policy makers who created this mess.
But back to the topic at hand. GAW is about unity with everyone. If you're a Christian looking to add more convert notches to their belt, or a representative of any ideology looking to highjack and inject your ideals here, you've come to the wrong place. Our common goal is reaffirming those basic, essential liberties the Founding Fathers believed in. Little known fact about them, they didn't agree on everything either. Jefferson was a very practical man who saw the world around him as it was and disagreed with the more mystic types like myself and others. But you know what? That didn't stop him from uniting to defeat the common foe and change the course of human history forever. I do not care if you are a Muslim, an atheist, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Liberal, trans, gay- does not matter. I will respect your rights as long as you respect mine. That is all I need to get along with anyone and that's all anyone should need to agree to. If you seek to exert your dominance over anyone else at anytime, you are a faggot and will be excised from this place immediately. And yes, that is what we are rebranding faggot to: anyone who attempts to force dominion upon another is a faggot plain and simple.
Gonna be an interesting week and as things gear up for whatever comes next, we need to start reaching out to people and making sure we have dialogues open. A lot of people are going to be confused and angry and it's up to us to prevent them from doing something irrational. Your friends and family do not have to like Trump. Make sure they understand that liking Trump is irrelevant, in fact the less trust they have the better. Trusting politicians and our system is what got us to where we are today, or at least it was a contributing factor. If this mission is to truly succeed it ends with establishing a fully transparent system that is free of corruption- hell corruption must carry a minimum of the death penalty if we're serious about preventing another cabal.
Love and peace to you all in this crazy time. Buckle up, best is about to come.
P.S. I put "racism" in quotes because there is only one human race. If you don't agree, do us all a favor and go back to Patriots if you are incapable of unfucking yourself.
EDIT: That's right. Just keep outing yourselves. Expose who you are to the community. Also, downvotes without replying does not make you right. It just shows your insecurity even harder, making you an easier target.
EDIT 2: Lol. Downvote all you want. It's all you have to cope. You can throw whatever nonsense you want at me. I know how you insecure internet tough guys are in real life: just as empty and hallow as you are here. I hope and pray all of you downvoting and responding with baseless vitriol turn from your ways. If you don't want to trust anyone that's okay. In fact you really shouldn't trust anyone outside your family/good friends anyway. Not even me or anyone else here. I don't need your trust to do the right thing.
I'm not going anywhere. Cry about it all you want. I don't care. I will speak my mind and share my thoughts while remaining open to ideas and exchanges. Not a single one of you disagreeing provided any logical and rational reason as to why we shouldn't be inclusive. Just the usual non-sense that has no place in our society.
This is some faggotry: “ No human sub culture is better than the other...”
So maybe we can agree that races should be treated equal under the law. Seems like a good legal and ethical basis.
However i will not grant you that all are equal culturally. For example the degenerate ‘urban’ culture that glamorizes violence, ignorance, broken homes and a cycle of despair is nowhere close to the beauty of the true inheritance of intact western cultures (which have since degraded in america to consumerism which is disgusting in its won special way).
French catholics built notre dame and a beautiful lifestyle and culture to match it, for example. To put them on the same level as the degenerate welfare kweens and kangs who give zero shits about their lives, their neighborhood, or the higher virtues is a fucking insult.
Either their race is the issue or their culture, you must pick one or the other.
Going camaro is going woke and its cringe.
You are like what 20-24? You've got alot to learn kiddo.