I felt it creeping up on me so immediately took vitamin protocol; D, C, Zinc, Quercetin w/ Bromelain.
Was in bed for a day or so with body aches but not much else. The Zelenko protocol is gold.
I felt it creeping up on me so immediately took vitamin protocol; D, C, Zinc, Quercetin w/ Bromelain.
Was in bed for a day or so with body aches but not much else. The Zelenko protocol is gold.
Yah I had that happen end of August. Started hitting natural Hyroxychloroquine, claritin, vit D,C, and zinc. Also some zithromax. Slightly sick for 2 days. My son his wife and my husband all positive for it. But I ended up negative. No way I didn't catch it because my husband coughed all over the house. So I had it twice this year. Blood work showed afterward that I had antibodies still.
Naturally immune. Well done.