Glitch In The Matrix; Episode 3 (This is my new roundtable podcast)
u/catsfive invited me to share this link here. Hope y'all enjoy.
The previous episode we went a bit more into Devolution and the other 3 guys on the round table all know Patel Patriot.
Very good episode to smooth stuff out on connecting the dots on our movement and who we’re up against. Great video/post.
Thank you. I'm the newbie in the group, but the other guys to a good job of carrying me while I get my feet wet.
Any questions just ask here too. I’m always around.
I appreciate you being a newbie. I encourage you to challenge the people who claim to not be. No offense, but I feel like a lot of the "experienced" guys just pull stuff out of their butt. Really we all should be newbies because none of us are truly insiders.