Real life, pedes. Read and take notes. If you have weaknesses in your prepping snd planning, it's past time to fix it. Selco's posts are pure gold. If you pay attention to any one's words on prepping and modern, urban survival techniques, it's Selco's.
Real life, pedes. Read and take notes. If you have weaknesses in your prepping snd planning, it's past time to fix it. Selco's posts are pure gold. If you pay attention to any one's words on prepping and modern, urban survival techniques, it's Selco's.
A dedicated would be good. Though between, got mostly covered but might be a good one for consideration.
This was an excellent read!
Excellent information, thanks for posting it, OP.
Fuck, I love selco. Listen to him if you want the reality of a collapse. You may actually survive.