Some people are getting upset when I ask them for real evidence that Betty White was some type of evil witch.
I don’t worship Betty White despite the fact that she was a nice old lady and a comic genius.
I’m trying to defend this community from disinformation.
Disinformation is often comes in the form of a planted discrediting campaign. A good example of that is the flat earth campaign. Somebody spent a lot of money trying to create the idea that ALL conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is flat.
If Left-wing media organizations can plant the false narrative that all of us here at believe that “Betty White is the Satanic queen of Hollywood” most people are not going to believe it, because there’s no legitimate evidence for that.
Once they’ve created the narrative that all Trump followers are delusional then the Normie’s can ignore every single legitimate piece of evidence that we present to them. It’s called poisoning the well. Once you pour just a little bit of poison into the well of then no one is going to drink anymore water from this site.
Normie thinking: “Those people believe that Betty White is a Satanist therefore when they tell me that Joe Biden is a serial sex abuser, I don’t have to pay attention to that at all.”
I thought that Betty White was an amusing comic actress. I don’t worship her. You can go through my posting history before last week and I never ever mentioned her. And there is also nothing suspicious about her that’s ever been posted about her here until after she died.
So I want you to dig really hard and give me the legitimate, legally valid evidence that Betty White was the satanic queen of Hollywood. If you don’t have any legitimate evidence shut the f-ck up.
P.S. Black eyes, off-color jokes and resemblances between old ladies are not valid legitimate, legal forms of evidence.
Why is this stickied?
The deep state sponsors social media disinformation organizations in order to create confusion on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook Reddit and the community.
Because free-speech is allowed here we have become a target for disinformation.
If I was them, I could make up a very credible posting explaining exactly why Michael Jackson was an alien. I mean he had miraculous talent, he had strange hobbies and his skin started melting towards the end of his life. If I did a good enough job on that posting, it might get a decent number of up votes. Then I would take a screen grab showing the popularity of that posting and put that screen grab onto Facebook and Twitter so I could make a claim that everyone in the community thinks that Michael Jackson is an alien.
That’s called poisoning the well.
You aren’t going to win me over with that argument. I care more about people digging, researching and having the ability to throw out their own ideas, thoughts and perceptions no matter how crazy sounding it is. Thats the whole idea for a free speech soap box platform. People get to decide for themselves whats true and whats not. Good theories will rise and bad ones will fall. I do not believe in censorship nor do I give a crap what a normie sheep thinks about GAW. I don’t care about our perception at all. I ONLY care about finding the truth. It is a lot deeper than we are currently leveled at. So? Bring on the Betty White is a satanist ideas. I couldn’t care less about the dead old broad. P.S. reading a script for 80 years isn’t talent.
OK let’s go ahead and let me put up another post about how JFK Junior is still alive and let’s go over that that dead horse all over again.
The left wing mass media loves it when we talk about that.
Yeah that rally that they had down there in Texas was definitely not a LARP, correct?
I would literally pick the JFK Jr is alive thread over the angsty bitter post describing why the former post shouldn’t exist, any day.
Don’t care what left wing mass media loves. Again, I don’t concern myself with the opinions of sheep.
Never said anything about the Texas LARP but I remember seeing a gazillion posts on GAW poking at that LARP for what it was - a LARP. Freedom of speech and access to the public soap box (GAW) allows things like the Texas LARP to be quickly exposed. There are subjects that simply don’t have enough information available thus creating the breeding-grounds for exploration in said topics — something I advocate for. Such as the Betty White discussion or JFK JR. Heck, I don’t even mind a flat earth thread for the sake of discussion. I do not believe talking about these things is harmful. Thats a lefty ideal
Exactly...WHY ..?
I like how I ask a question then when you ask the same question the downvotes just spawn. You have seething admirers following you lol if I keep it up maybe Ill be as lucky.
Lol...Nothing more than an Irritation...
I swear I didn’t downvote that one 😂😂😂
I posted my view in response to his comment. I feel as though his view is a request for a form of censorship and I highly disagree.
Ops tone was great. On the money if you ask me. Then again I know nothing.
Sorry for my sucky tone, but I have had to spend the last two years hiding my unvaccinated ass in my apartment to protect every else from the Covid.
You had to do this?
Are you asking if I had to avoid getting vaccinated? Yes.
When my company decided that I should do all my work from home that was not my decision.
It also wasn’t my decision to make it nearly impossible for me to fly from one place to another without a long required quarantine making a vacation useless.
“Hooray I’m vacationing in Hawaii and now I get to stay inside my hotel room for two weeks”
And in 2020, when the Covid emergency began and every single restaurant was shut down in my city, that also was not my decision.
Luckily now, the city and country that I live in is not making any attempt to stop me from shopping or going to restaurants despite being me fully unvaccinated. I also feel lucky that my employer never try to mandate a vaccine as a condition of my employment.
However, as a foreign resident of an East Asian country, I wasn’t the one who decided that “Foreigners are always more infectious and dangerous than native citizens”. That wasn’t me that had to invent racism, that was human nature.