Some people are getting upset when I ask them for real evidence that Betty White was some type of evil witch.
I don’t worship Betty White despite the fact that she was a nice old lady and a comic genius.
I’m trying to defend this community from disinformation.
Disinformation is often comes in the form of a planted discrediting campaign. A good example of that is the flat earth campaign. Somebody spent a lot of money trying to create the idea that ALL conspiracy theorists believe that the earth is flat.
If Left-wing media organizations can plant the false narrative that all of us here at believe that “Betty White is the Satanic queen of Hollywood” most people are not going to believe it, because there’s no legitimate evidence for that.
Once they’ve created the narrative that all Trump followers are delusional then the Normie’s can ignore every single legitimate piece of evidence that we present to them. It’s called poisoning the well. Once you pour just a little bit of poison into the well of then no one is going to drink anymore water from this site.
Normie thinking: “Those people believe that Betty White is a Satanist therefore when they tell me that Joe Biden is a serial sex abuser, I don’t have to pay attention to that at all.”
I thought that Betty White was an amusing comic actress. I don’t worship her. You can go through my posting history before last week and I never ever mentioned her. And there is also nothing suspicious about her that’s ever been posted about her here until after she died.
So I want you to dig really hard and give me the legitimate, legally valid evidence that Betty White was the satanic queen of Hollywood. If you don’t have any legitimate evidence shut the f-ck up.
P.S. Black eyes, off-color jokes and resemblances between old ladies are not valid legitimate, legal forms of evidence.
I don't know if White was a Satanist but former cast mates and her stepchildren have said she is not the nice woman she portrays. If you want the evidence, do internet searches, it's out there otr at least it used to be.
And seriously, a kiss ass Betty White thread here?
Yes actors act and perhaps Betty White learned how to act nice. However, to be successful in Hollywood over the long term she probably had to be a little bitchy especially to the directors and producers that were trying to rape her starting from 80 years ago.
Here’s the problem: Your aunt likes Betty White.
If someone comes to and make evidence-free assertions that “Betty White is a Satanist” without any real evidence, your aunt is not going to accept anything coming out of this website ever again.
That is called a “poison the well” attack. The “JFK Junior is alive “campaign was also likely a Poison the Well attack designed to discredit all the “Q-anons”.
Sometimes a “critical thinking free“ posting looks like a disinformation attack.
Pretty much every piece of evidence that people are using to accuse Betty White of being a Satanic witch could be used against someone like Dolly Parton right now. What’s stopping you from digging into Dolly Parton right now when she’s alive. I mean Dolly Parton wore bunny ears on the cover of Playboy magazine once, didn’t she? I think they serve hotdogs at Dollywood. She made a deal with the devil for her talent, her chest and her success in business. Dolly sometimes makes off-color jokes about herself. Oh and one time Dolly had an accident, she hit her face and got a blackeye. Another time a photographer told her to cover up one eye during a photo session.
You people better get on that case, we need to shut evil Dolly down!
In any case, the attacks on Betty White seem to very inorganic and so I just went ahead and assumed it was a planted disinformation and discrediting operation.
Global elites are literally trying to kill us in any number of ways. What’s going to stop them from using every dirty method at their disposal to discredit this website.
Discernment - anons have to choose what topics to discuss with aunts and uncles.
But sometimes you have to push a topic because you believe that giving people more information on that topic may be able to save lives.
So I may not tell members of my family that I think a Satanic group of globalists are trying to murder us with vaccines but I will tell them that there are various supplements that are useful in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.