I've been a very vocal anti-COVID individual since the end of 2 Weeks "to flatten the curve". It was clear to me then that this was extraordinary and wildly overblown. Obvious that it would be used to begin stripping away our rights and gutting our Country/The World. I was not shy about this and I politely engaged and asked questions with damn near everyone around me from the very beginning.
The big question I get now is "Can you explain to me how you don't even think COVID is real?" (Now that people are awake enough to even consider an alternative/extreme explanation to the past 2 years)
This has become even more confusing to me as of late with Dr. Malone (vaccinated) and Dr. McCollough (double infected) stating that they both got hit extremely hard by COVID 19. I cannot explain away how people I trust are claiming to have been infected w/ COVID, despite still having these same questions for the previous 2 years:
How has this virus never been isolated or purified? To the best of my understanding it is still all based on computer models and extrapolations.
Where did the flu go?
If it is a real virus, why so much emphasis on the false PCR tests, the inflated case numbers, the inflated death statistics?
Why depend on racking up hospitalizations and deaths via medical mistreatment and pure ignorance regarding early treatment? (I usually spin this question a bit a say that if someone neglected the flu virus until they could no longer breathe easily - the outcome would be similar)
How does someone like Dr. Peter McCollough outright claim that he just* recently had Omicron? How could he have known that? Did he run genetic sequencing to verify?
I'm fully willing to accept that COVID is a real thing. My goal is not to prove it's complete fiction. However, with the questions above, if you remove the false positives, the medical malpractice, the miscounted deaths, flu/pneumonia reclassification as CV19, what are you left with?
A small percentage of really, really bad respiratory infections? Could these simply be a result of inhalation of bacteria laced air from masking/dirty or humid masks?
What concrete evidence actually exists to prove that COVID is even real amidst the endless sea of lies we've been force-fed over 2 years?
Sidenote/Personal Background & Observations: I know 2 people personally who SWORE they had COVID. 1 of them turned out to be a bacterial lung infection from riding a bike last winter with 2 masks on. The other was sleep deprived and now thinks she may have just had really bad pneumonia. Both* of them were given Remsdesivir and it royally fucked them up/almost resulted in intubation. Everyone else I know who "got COVID" had relatively mild symptoms and sat around with a mask on just waiting for it to get worse.
Conversely, I know about 8-10 people who have suffered some seriously bad adverse reactions from the vaccines (2 of whom are currently in comas).
It might be more profitable to stop trying to compare a virus to chemical elements, which can be isolated, or to microorganisms, which carry on respiration and reproduce reliably. Think of them more like self-assembling legos with only a few types, (Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen) which don't always find the same fit. To reproduce they have to have some way of hooking into living cells.
Here are a few images purporting to be covid. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/novel-coronavirus-sarscov2-images
General structure. https://www.academia.edu/66697355/Role_of_Structural_and_Non_Structural_Proteins_and_Therapeutic_Targets_of_SARS_CoV_2_for_COVID_19
Effort on determining structure. In the middle they admit it will be a brute force slog, amino acid by amino acid. https://cen.acs.org/biological-chemistry/infectious-disease/know-novel-coronaviruss-29-proteins/98/web/2020/04
Here's an article about the difficulty of pinning down the virus and using xrays which have distinctive features for diagnosis. This is not a definitive test but better than "like a bad flu." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7187882/
Here is NIH on tests for diagnosis. There are a lot besides the PCR test we know, but we don't really know how good the others are just from this. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/overview/sars-cov-2-testing/
Many things on detecting variants, e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33626040/