16 yo healthy young girl dies post vaxx. Parents were divided. Family was divided. So sad...
48 yo man with multiple complications was on his way out of the hospital and died; was unvaxxed when he went in...
50 yo woman with health issues and vaxxed, died suddenly.
We are noticing many people pulling off the road on the highway...more than usual.
All this in 7 day span.
We always have a choice. Even if that choice is between what are less than ideal options. You made your decision based upon what you determined to be in your best interests given the cards that were on your table. I will not fault anyone for making what was surely a very difficult decision that came with many restless nights - whatever your reasons. But understand, you still made a choice and you will have to own the consequences, some good and some bad. Others, given the same choices, may have come to different decisions based upon the cards laid out on their own tables. Life is all about choices we make every day.
To be a truly free people, we must own the choices we make in life. Feeling like we have no choice is buying into victim mentality that enslaves us in our own minds. This is where they want us. Do what you do because you are the Master of your own ship. Do not give others that power over you. Here's to praying you get better. Stay in the fight and don't give up.