Actually I’ve given to four different neighbors, all healed and grateful. But the couple I’m posting about: active couple in 70’s ( I swear they looked deathly when I brought the pills to them ! They are both jabbed and boosted and were at deaths door when I saw them ! They took 2 pills first day and one for three days after 6 mil each. I gave them zinc etc as well . My friend, the wife, called me today hungry for red pills, they are so pissed that this drug is being kept from people ..they evidently told their Dr off who tried to shame them and they told their adult kids off as well . They are so excited and telling everyone who will listen , they aren’t backing down , she had me on the phone hungry for the truth and now pissed that they are jabbed , she’s asked and just texted again for Ivermectin info ..videos literature ! I’ve had so much info but gmail deletes all emails after so many weeks , I need to get this changed somehow so I can eternally save all my information ..IT challenged here ! If anyone has the time and has any saved info about Ivermectin I’d appreciate it ..these two are out for blood they realize how a simple, few dollars worth of a drug healed them and they want to be educated..thank you !
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I love DrZ I'm taking Quarcitin but so far they don't have it in gummies and she is strong and stubborn she doesn't take meds , and she'll knock you out if u try ,, she's been abused medically ,, I give her zinc , bit C D and other stuff in liquid emergenC and gummies ,,, DR Z has a protocol as you know all of them together ,,,, I have already preordered the protocol for Kids ,, gummies ,,, but they don't expect to start shipping until mid Jan ,, I preordered 4 months ago , it will be here soon ..thsnks Fren , yes I'm actually pretty up on most stuff ,, I'm on here lol but my problem is iim IT challenged so I lose what I have I'm trying to work on that , I have card givers ,,, no family never had any ,, hit the streets at 15 I escaped horror ,,oi have two other children it's just us , I do ok ,, I was in the modeling industry for awhile long ago left,, you know why ,, I am a Therepist / life coach ,,work for myself , I also have many small business ,, arc design ,all self taught no school ,, I was a GM in a major resort in San Diego years ago , you need a masters now a days ,, I'm tall look good and very charismatic but stay reserved classy ,, so it got me far in this world ,, when u r tall and beautiful people get out of your way it's just the way it is prejudice they call it ,, they have done secret camera stuff where people do anything for the pretty girl but ignore the over weight not so physically attractive girl ,, it's actually sad ,, but I'm thankful I had that to work with because that's all I had lol , more later good days friend
I'm very glad to hear he has gummies coming out. I have been getting quercetin in powdered form and mixing it with water. It's hard to mix, so I use a little milk frother I have and that actually works very well. I was going to suggest you might try mixing it in fruit juice or something for her, but it looks like you'll soon have the gummies.
I'm sorry to hear you have been on your own and for so long. Fortunately, you have a good heart and a caring nature (hence being a therapist) and that and your faith have sustained you. I'm glad you have other kids too. You've created your own family, since you didn't come from a good one. I know what that's like.
Btw, if you want to save things you see here at this site, there is a way to do that. Underneath ever post is a series of words (permalink, context, comments, etc.) There is a little 'save' selection. You can hit that save button and a screen will pop up that allows you to create a category. I have tons of categories, lol. Honestly, I have thought so many times, "I don't know who I'm saving these for, but I want to keep this info in case it helps someone some day." So I guess your neighbor is one of those people who were helped by my compulsive saving, lol.
You have no idea , carolyn ,, her name, is totally a character , she also comes from horrific background and has fought for every dime she has which is about a Quarter lol ,, she's one of these people , old time book keeper , who writes down when she gets gas , how much it is etc , she has books in her trunk of every time she bought gas going back from the day she bought the car , oil changes etc , she balances her checkbook to the penny! She's honest, kind and a total nutcase lol , least judgmental person I've ever known . Carolyn is different than the other lib couple ,, I realized I mixed them up , carolyn is awake but still in bed , she loves trump watches Fox and hates the Dems but she is vaxxed ,, she got a brain hemorage from the first dose ,, the pressure blew up her left eye, she wore a patch for months , low and behold she got the booster and I believe Is why she was so ill ,, her and the other couple all neighbors literally looked like they were going to die I couldn't believe it . Carolyn got the jab but bitches about it and hates mandates and jabs for kids .. she screams about it so much it's hard to believe she got it ,, well as I said she's awake but still in bed however since this incident it appears she got up and she's talking to whoever will listen, I had 20 packs of ivermectin she wiped me out, keeps calling about another person she red pilled on ivermectin and needs more , but she is driving to mexico with me wends and plans on buying 100 pills ,, yes , we have awakened a sleepy giant,, thanks again Fren hey do you know who John O'Lunney is the undertaker the funeral Director in the UK do you have any of his videos by any chance or how about Peter McCullough the cardiologists I would love to rewatch them and definitely send them to her and some of these other people who I got on ivermectin when you have time if you have them I'd be so grateful I absolutely love Jana looney oh my god is he the best
I think I may have seen a bit of a video with him, but I don't really know him. I believe he may be the funeral director who was saying his business is booming because of the vaxx?
It's funny you asked about Dr. McCullough because I planned to give you one of his videos. There are many, as you know. This is the one with Joe Rogan. It was great. There is one caveat. In the video he adamantly insists that once you've had covid, you can't get it again. However, he has now changed on that and said that Omicron is different and so if a person has had another form of covid, they can also now get omicron. I just wanted to let you know that if you do watch / listen because it's different than what he said in the interview.
And here is another great Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone (the inventor of the mRna technology.) Just today I had success redpilling someone about the vaxx with this video! Praise God!
I haven't watched it yet, but here's some of John O'Looney
Here are a couple of doctors talking about the changes in blood that have been seen after the vaxx. (Might scare Carolyn too much, but might be good to redpill others) Also, if she does want to see it, there is hope / help with NAC or Glutathione. Dr. Zandre Botha has a regime for people who have vaxx regret. ``` Stew Peters and Jane Ruby ``` Stew Peters and Zandre Botha
That will keep you busy for a little bit, lol. I'll keep posting more things periodically.
Tell me about the lib couple. Did they get redpilled at all after taking the ivermectin or are they still blue pilled?
Yes they are red pilled ..they are kind of in shock, they’re not ready to hear about the children yet , but the husband cried because he use to hate trump and he realizes he doesn’t know why he hated him , he believed all the lies and feels like an idiot he actually said to me you think I’m brainwashed? How could I have been so stupid .. we could have died like all those other people, I understand now it’s about money, our Dr doesn’t care, she told us to stay away from people and wear masks if we go out and if we get worse go to the ER , but they don’t even test in the ER ( not sure if that’s true ) they were supposed to drive 30 minutes away and said they were to sick ..why didn’t she give us antibiotic that work? His questions are many, the wife just keeps reassuring him’s ok it’s ok ..he raised his voice ..stop saying that it’s not ok, we lost friends , maybe they could have been saved ; they are in there 70 80 ‘s but active . Very sad