Ted Cruz's recent "coming out as a RINO party" was instructive. What did Q say? FOLLOW THE WIVES. Where does Ted's wife work? Goldman Sachs—the GOLD STANDARD when it comes to deep state flacks. What did we learn? There are no white hats/black hats in DC. THERE IS ONLY 'LEVERAGE.'

LOL...when I see post like this. I think of secret tribunals and all sorts of bull shit that is posted to discredit good ideas. not saying that you are doing it but it sure shows up a lot when someone posts interesting speculation od facts.
Twice now. Separate accts.
You got to love the gitmo fear p*** and clones sliding that happens everyday. I knew about JFK 911 Pizza gate Vegas shooter without following q and it was the people constantly posting videos about clones and secret tribunals at gitmo that kept me far away from the scene. This movement would have 10 times more normies involved and be recruiting so much faster if you could stop with the retards on YouTube making constant videos about gitmo tribunals and clones. I completely believe the governments of the world are evil and working towards a satanic new world order however what I mentioned above has always made me question the Q movement. The Earth being flat is more believable than every single important person on earth is a clone because they've already been executed theory so widely held within the anon community.
I don't talk about Q when I talk about Q stuff because it is counterproductive a lot of times. Best to bring up facts and ask the person what they think. Say Q and the only one listening to you is a person that has your own views.