posted ago by Generalhandshake ago by Generalhandshake +42 / -1

Yesterday I made a post theorizing that the controlled opposition would be weeded out. It didn’t go quite how I theorized it would but Trump canceling the event did one major thing; it took the some of the focus off Trump and put it more on whoever decided to open their mouth. That person happened to be Fed Cruz. He’s trying to back out of this but it seems like the more he tries, the worse it gets. His father’s ties to Cuba and GHWB will be a huge Red pill. Il Donaldo Trumpo said, "I know it was you, Tedo." on gab. His wife’s job at Goldman Sachs is a good exposé too.




He’s in a vulnerable position, permanently crippled, and forever on the defense now. The best offense may be a great defense, but his defense is utter crap.