It's human nature to want someone to be leading the charge. I've been watching the activity on Telegram closely, who is aligning with who. Most people put it down as infighting, but what I'm seeing is deep staters vs. Patriots who have caught on. Lin was all about Pulitzer last May. I think he and Clements, Joe Oltman, Wendy Rogers, Codemonkey, Gordon Rose, and some others are on one side and deep state is forming another.
It's human nature to want someone to be leading the charge. I've been watching the activity on Telegram closely, who is aligning with who. Most people put it down as infighting, but what I'm seeing is deep staters vs. Patriots who have caught on. Lin was all about Pulitzer last May. I think he and Clements, Joe Oltman, Wendy Rogers, Codemonkey, Gordon Rose, and some others are on one side and deep state is forming another.
He seemed right on the paper.i think theres more to this and am reserve judgement