We knew it was orchestrated on Jan 7th, 2021! There were so many citizen phone videos inside and outside the Capitol which showed the planned insurrection by the groups identified! Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Orange hats, ANTIFA & BLM behind bushes changing into MAGA-Trump gear.
And seriously, who brings baseball bats, pepper spray, bull horns, riot gear, wears military & combat protective gear to a Trump rally? And many getting off of buses!
We knew it was orchestrated on Jan 7th, 2021! There were so many citizen phone videos inside and outside the Capitol which showed the planned insurrection by the groups identified! Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Orange hats, ANTIFA & BLM behind bushes changing into MAGA-Trump gear.
And seriously, who brings baseball bats, pepper spray, bull horns, riot gear, wears military & combat protective gear to a Trump rally? And many getting off of buses!