Same with the Jews in the bible under the Romans, they were upset over a 1% yearly property tax!! Amazing how times have changed. This level of taxation is unheard of. And the ultra wealthy pay none of it! At least the British and Romans were respectable enough to impose the same taxes on themselves as they had with their subjects, and they would actually build things with it! Which the Democrats hardly ever do.
I think people think it’s just SO expensive to operate the country. Things are shit snd we think the solution is to throw more money. 45 and Florida as showing us that we can stop the hemorrhaging and release us from this slave state.
You say the Democrats don't want to and don't hardly ever build things with the money they want to spend, but weren't they just trying to pass an infrastructure bill, that would give money for lots of construction projects on roads, bridges, trains, high speed internet infrastructure, updating power grids, etc. Trump promised an infrastructure bill but never even helped come up with a proposal bill when he and the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. I'd say at least the Democrats are showing actual proposals and trying to pass something that would put lots of Americans to work and improve our infrastructure. It's all a uniparty anyway, so we might as well try to get improvements for citizen's lives and our society where we can get it.
Same with the Jews in the bible under the Romans, they were upset over a 1% yearly property tax!! Amazing how times have changed. This level of taxation is unheard of. And the ultra wealthy pay none of it! At least the British and Romans were respectable enough to impose the same taxes on themselves as they had with their subjects, and they would actually build things with it! Which the Democrats hardly ever do.
I think people think it’s just SO expensive to operate the country. Things are shit snd we think the solution is to throw more money. 45 and Florida as showing us that we can stop the hemorrhaging and release us from this slave state.
You say the Democrats don't want to and don't hardly ever build things with the money they want to spend, but weren't they just trying to pass an infrastructure bill, that would give money for lots of construction projects on roads, bridges, trains, high speed internet infrastructure, updating power grids, etc. Trump promised an infrastructure bill but never even helped come up with a proposal bill when he and the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. I'd say at least the Democrats are showing actual proposals and trying to pass something that would put lots of Americans to work and improve our infrastructure. It's all a uniparty anyway, so we might as well try to get improvements for citizen's lives and our society where we can get it.