The movie was directed by Clive Barker from his novel. Curiously, it starred David Cronenberg, otherwise director of such disturbing films as "Videodrome," who acquitted himself well. All of this is an acquired taste, of course, but I would rate Barker higher as a writer than King. King pads his stories horrendously, and makes stupid mistakes in the scenario that break the suspension of disbelief (e.g., in "The Stand" he refers to a character flicking off the "safety catch" on a revolver). A previous Barker film was "Hellbound," which was quite edgy (can't think of an apt word to use---give it your best try).
The movie was directed by Clive Barker from his novel. Curiously, it starred David Cronenberg, otherwise director of such disturbing films as "Videodrome," who acquitted himself well. All of this is an acquired taste, of course, but I would rate Barker higher as a writer than King. King pads his stories horrendously, and makes stupid mistakes in the scenario that break the suspension of disbelief (e.g., in "The Stand" he refers to a character flicking off the "safety catch" on a revolver). A previous Barker film was "Hellbound," which was quite edgy (can't think of an apt word to use---give it your best try).