I refuse to test. The reason I believe it does exist (just not in the capacity they portray it) is the absolute loss of taste and smell. Now I have the flu every year but I've never experienced this. It's not some new deadly disease, it's a slight variation of the flu. Don't know why everyone is coming at me like I'm a fucking jabbed up sheeple mask nazi. Fuck.
Loss of taste and smell was always a common symptom of bad flu/cold for 25% of people. I can attest for this - I would lose it several times a year prior to fixing my diet and thus not getting sick anymore.
It is such a common symptom that it still remains listed on ENT websites not updated since Covid.
People are coming at you because you’re simply uninformed and spreading misinformation, i.e. buying into the “muh loss of taste smell” hysteria.
It's also funny that other people on this thread have said the same thing and no one has said a word to them. The government wants us divided and that is exactly what you are doing. If the people that are awake can't even stand together and support each other and have open discussions then we're letting them fuck us
I'm with you on this one. I've never in my life heard of anyone losing their sense of smell and taste from the flu. It's extremely rare. With covid it's happening in the vast majority of cases, even extremely mild ones. But people on this board will get so absorbed by some ideas and just absolutely refuse to think or discuss it.
Influenza isn’t the same year to year, that’s the whole reason I don’t do flu shots. Best guess my ass. I know what they were doing, now.
It couldn’t be we just have different strains of influenza / corona virus’ out there, can we? Did they come out of Wuhan? Probably.
True death numbers starting to come out tell the whole story. Just wait for the VAIDS death numbers and then tell me which one was the actual bioweapon.
I refuse to test. The reason I believe it does exist (just not in the capacity they portray it) is the absolute loss of taste and smell. Now I have the flu every year but I've never experienced this. It's not some new deadly disease, it's a slight variation of the flu. Don't know why everyone is coming at me like I'm a fucking jabbed up sheeple mask nazi. Fuck.
Loss of taste and smell was always a common symptom of bad flu/cold for 25% of people. I can attest for this - I would lose it several times a year prior to fixing my diet and thus not getting sick anymore.
It is such a common symptom that it still remains listed on ENT websites not updated since Covid.
People are coming at you because you’re simply uninformed and spreading misinformation, i.e. buying into the “muh loss of taste smell” hysteria.
It's also funny that other people on this thread have said the same thing and no one has said a word to them. The government wants us divided and that is exactly what you are doing. If the people that are awake can't even stand together and support each other and have open discussions then we're letting them fuck us
I’m not being divisive, and I am in fact having an open discussion, by merely pointing out a fact.
I do in fact commonly tell other people the same thing.
I'm with you on this one. I've never in my life heard of anyone losing their sense of smell and taste from the flu. It's extremely rare. With covid it's happening in the vast majority of cases, even extremely mild ones. But people on this board will get so absorbed by some ideas and just absolutely refuse to think or discuss it.
Influenza isn’t the same year to year, that’s the whole reason I don’t do flu shots. Best guess my ass. I know what they were doing, now.
It couldn’t be we just have different strains of influenza / corona virus’ out there, can we? Did they come out of Wuhan? Probably.
True death numbers starting to come out tell the whole story. Just wait for the VAIDS death numbers and then tell me which one was the actual bioweapon.