Hits everyone different. It's not the "deadly disease" they say it is but it's not just a cold for everyone. It hit me as a bad flu and I was down for 2 weeks with fever, chills, sore throat, cough, loss of taste and smell, vomiting, dizziness, aches, tender skin..
That's what I don't get. The PCR is useless so people have no idea what they've got. Maybe (fasten your seat belts now) it's what experts used to call seasonal flu or the common cold.
I refuse to test. The reason I believe it does exist (just not in the capacity they portray it) is the absolute loss of taste and smell. Now I have the flu every year but I've never experienced this. It's not some new deadly disease, it's a slight variation of the flu. Don't know why everyone is coming at me like I'm a fucking jabbed up sheeple mask nazi. Fuck.
Exactly. Moronic apparently emerged in South Africa and within days it’s miraculously able to be identified world wide - using the same PCR test? facepalm
Yes.. That is exactly what I just said.. I literally said it hit me as a bad flu. The only reason I say it was the coof (I refuse to test) is I had total loss of taste and smell. Now I know the reduction of taste and smell that accompanies flu, my immune system is shit so I always get it. This was different. Is it world endingly catastrophic as they pose it? No. But does it not exist? I believe it does exist just not how they portray it. The reason I say to be careful downplaying things is when everyone says " it's a cold! It's a cold! Get over it!" It doesn't look good for our case when a sheeple gets a rough flu from it. Underplaying things is just as dangerous as overplaying.
No, she most likely had a strain of the Chyna Virus 🦠 ... you know, The Bioweapon that was purposely engineered in Chinese & US labs and released on humanity.
The only way to tell for sure if you indeed had Covid is if your hair falls out...not kidding here! I was down with Covid...it hit me very hard because I went through chemo right when Covid was unleashed on us. Then last August I almost died. Probably would have it had been left up to Kaiser. I had an high powered doctor who kept his eye on what Kaiser was doing. I was in the hospital for a week and sick in bed for a week before I called the ambulance to come get my ass. In any case...once I got home...got cleaned up and finally showered, I noticed my hair falling out like crazy...not in clumps like when I was in chemo, but it was bad.
My daughter is a hair stylist. She asked me if my hair was falling out and I said yes as a matter of fact...why? I figured it was another byproduct of the poison they put in me in 2020. But my daughter said every one of her clients who had recovered from Covid were complaining about losing their hair. She showed me pictures...it was pretty bad...anyone else go through this?
Risk of death they say doubles in the first year after Covid because of that body inflammation that leads to hair loss but long Covid can put people on disability with weakness and Covid brain etc.
My daughter has it. 2 years ago it would have been called a bad cold
Hits everyone different. It's not the "deadly disease" they say it is but it's not just a cold for everyone. It hit me as a bad flu and I was down for 2 weeks with fever, chills, sore throat, cough, loss of taste and smell, vomiting, dizziness, aches, tender skin..
So you had the flu....
That's what I don't get. The PCR is useless so people have no idea what they've got. Maybe (fasten your seat belts now) it's what experts used to call seasonal flu or the common cold.
I refuse to test. The reason I believe it does exist (just not in the capacity they portray it) is the absolute loss of taste and smell. Now I have the flu every year but I've never experienced this. It's not some new deadly disease, it's a slight variation of the flu. Don't know why everyone is coming at me like I'm a fucking jabbed up sheeple mask nazi. Fuck.
Exactly. Moronic apparently emerged in South Africa and within days it’s miraculously able to be identified world wide - using the same PCR test? facepalm
Amen! And we never shut down our country for it, either…
Yes.. That is exactly what I just said.. I literally said it hit me as a bad flu. The only reason I say it was the coof (I refuse to test) is I had total loss of taste and smell. Now I know the reduction of taste and smell that accompanies flu, my immune system is shit so I always get it. This was different. Is it world endingly catastrophic as they pose it? No. But does it not exist? I believe it does exist just not how they portray it. The reason I say to be careful downplaying things is when everyone says " it's a cold! It's a cold! Get over it!" It doesn't look good for our case when a sheeple gets a rough flu from it. Underplaying things is just as dangerous as overplaying.
No, she most likely had a strain of the Chyna Virus 🦠 ... you know, The Bioweapon that was purposely engineered in Chinese & US labs and released on humanity.
The shot is the bioweapon. The illness is just one of the many corona virus’ / influenza rebranded to scare sheep into accepting the bioweapon freely.
The only way to tell for sure if you indeed had Covid is if your hair falls out...not kidding here! I was down with Covid...it hit me very hard because I went through chemo right when Covid was unleashed on us. Then last August I almost died. Probably would have it had been left up to Kaiser. I had an high powered doctor who kept his eye on what Kaiser was doing. I was in the hospital for a week and sick in bed for a week before I called the ambulance to come get my ass. In any case...once I got home...got cleaned up and finally showered, I noticed my hair falling out like crazy...not in clumps like when I was in chemo, but it was bad.
My daughter is a hair stylist. She asked me if my hair was falling out and I said yes as a matter of fact...why? I figured it was another byproduct of the poison they put in me in 2020. But my daughter said every one of her clients who had recovered from Covid were complaining about losing their hair. She showed me pictures...it was pretty bad...anyone else go through this?
My pureblood fiancé has had hair loss for the past four months since recovering from the Chyna Virus.
Oh wait, “It’s just the flu.”
Just the flu MY ASS!
Risk of death they say doubles in the first year after Covid because of that body inflammation that leads to hair loss but long Covid can put people on disability with weakness and Covid brain etc.
Same thing with my Mom, she was worried she'd need a wig!
I’ve personally watched people die of Covid pneumonia but it’s around a 1 percent rate of fatal outcomes.